Carole Jahme is an author, journalist, broadcaster, filmmaker, actor and comedienne and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Carole has expertise in human evolution, primatology, personality and sex differences. She is due to complete her biological anthropology doctorate on the evolution of empathy in 2019. Carole is fascinated by the human condition and our similarities to other apes. In her fictional writing she explores human nature, while her academic research on the evolution of sex, gender and personality has taken her interest in what makes humans tick down to our DNA. Carole leads the vanguard acknowledging the significance of women’s contribution to primatology.
As a youngster Carole was an All England dance champion. She worked with Gerry Cottles Circus performing on the trapeze, tight rope, clowning and acrobatics. Carole is an actor and has performed in feature films with the likes of Morgan Freeman and Robert Downey Jr.
The BBC’s Natural History Unit trained Carole in wildlife filmmaking and she helped set up, Wildvision, the department’s commercial wing. Carole worked on many productions, including The Velvet Claw and Growing Up Wild. Since leaving the NHU Carole has had commissions from C4 and BBC1 and she has presented on animal behaviour for C5, Discovery, Animal Planet and the Guardian.
Carole wrote her Ask Carole column for the Guardian and has written extensively for the National Press, she is also an author of fiction and non-fiction. Her vampire novel Worth Their Weight in Blood was widely praised,
“It’s not easy, these days, to put a new spin on vampires, but Carole Jahme manages it. A truly fascinating read the best vampire book I’ve read in a long time.”
British Fantasy Society.
Carole’s non-fiction title, Beauty and the Beasts, Woman, Ape and Evolution is considered to be one of the most important books ever written on the subject of women and science,
“This study of apes, evolution and women is a rare thing, a book in which journalism and scholarship unite in a riveting insight into a new branch of knowledge. A really good read” * * * * *(5 stars)
Beatrix Campbell Scotland on Sunday Review.